This is a tool to perform verification of the nitrogen content within the sprinkler system. One is provided for every FPS nitrogen generator. The adapter fitting provided is using 3/8 PTC and a supplied 3/8" OD tube to make the connection between the sensor and the APS-2 outlet.
Steps to use this device:
- Purging the sprinkler, as guided by the APS-2 (label sets purge rate by sprinkler size).
- Turn on the sensor, allow for reading to stabilize.
- Press Cal to confirm sensor reading of 79.1% N2.
- If your sensor diplays "Err" on the panel, please reach out to support.
- After calibration, connect tube to APS-2 outlet (note the REVERSE thread bushing), and verify N2 purity reading. This reading will take some time to stabilize. Allow a few minutes to purge the tube between the APS and the sensor.
- Industry guidelines have validated 98% to be a target nitrogen purity.
Photos below show the basic connection for this device. If we can follow up and assist in any way, please contact our support line at 910-415-1880 or email at
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